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LUY 7.2.2

July 2021

The version LUY 7.2.2 is a service release for customers with special infrastructure setups.

What we fixed:

  • Fixed an issue, so that multiple shared visualizations can be loaded simultaneously.

  • Fixed an issue, so that log files will be created on a daily basis.

  • Fixed an issue where a high number of users in the database slowed down login and the creation/update of a data element.  

  • Fixed an issue with the loading time of the data element history in the case of a lot of change entries. To speed up loading in this case, you may use the new property max.history.elements in the LUY config file to limit the number of history entries to be loaded. Please be aware that this property does not apply to history exports, which by default will export the entire history. 

  • Fixed an issue with the data transfer when using MS Azure.

  • Fixed an issue with saving a diagram/list report with an empty description when using an Oracle database.

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