LUY 7.4.0
April 2023
We are pleased to introduce LUY 7.4.0, our next major release.
For this release, our main focus is aimed at introducing our new LUY help center, bringing major security improvements, further improving the overall LUY performance, continuing preparations for our new frontend, as well as some bug fixes.
1. New features
1.1 New LUY help center
We gave our help center a complete overhaul:
We've rewritten all help center articles to be easier to understand.
Our new help center features a more performant search that will help you find information even faster.
You can access it either directly from the start page, the top right corner while reading another article or via this link.

The new help center allows you to easily switch between different versions of LUY, including switching between on-premise and cloud-only information. With that you directly get information matching your version of LUY.

With this release, we've also added a migration script to automatically update help links in LUY, in case they are still pointing to our old
2. Improvements
This release features multiple security improvements for LUY.
2.1 iTurm security improvements
We've updated iTurm's password hashing algorithm to bcrypt to increase the strength of password hashes.
We’ve also removed an admin function which allowed to do password mass updates in iTurm.
Rehashing to bcrypt will happen automatically.
2.1 Other security enhancements
We've removed our SQL interface to deactivate the ability to access the LUY database via SQL directly. Based on customer feedback, this feature was no longer in use.
2.3 Performance improvements
We've improved the performance of our landscape diagram, especially:
when coloring elements by attribute.
when showing partially connected elements.
3. Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue with our filter where in certain cases hierarchical elements were not filtered correctly.
Fixed an issue where landscape diagrams would break with certain attributes as columns.
Fixed an issue where LUY, in some cases, didn't display the correct diagram after refreshing the page.
Fixed an issue in our nested layer diagram where coloring was not saved correctly in reports.
Fixed a loophole in the landscape diagram where business mapping elements could be selected as content, which leads to data inconsistency and errors in LUY.
4. Important information
We’ve introduced some changes, which require your attention.
We've updated our hibernate search library. For the "search" functionality in LUY to work, administrators must initially recreate the search index after the update (go to Administration > System > Recreate index).
There are changes in the REST API session authentication, see our updated documentation under REST API.
The default role for LDAP authentication is now optional. The property
is not mandatory anymore.
If you need any further assistance with your use of LUY, feel free to contact our customer support or our sales department.