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Installation via Docker

LUY is also available as a Docker image. The image can be pulled from the Docker registry as image where VERSION is the LUY version, for example, luy:7.4.0


LUY should be orchestrated with Docker Compose. A sample Docker Compose file luy.yml is included in the docker-compose directory of the LUY Docker package available at our download site.

Once the Docker Compose file is configured according to the following sections, you can start LUY from the directory, in which the Docker Compose file is located. Use the command line:

docker-compose -f luy.yml up -d

When the application is fully loaded within the Docker container, it can be accessed on the ports given in the Docker Compose file's "ports" section. Use, for example, http://localhost:8066/ for the default port mapping of the provided sample Docker Compose file.

Database configuration

Database configuration works by setting environment variables in the Docker Compose file.


{mysql|oracle|mssqlserver|pgsql} - database vendor


Host name or IP address of the DB server


Port of the DB server


Name of the database or the Oracle service name in case of DB_TYPE=oracle


Only used for DB_TYPE=oracle instead of DB_NAME. If DB_NAME is set, SID is ignored even when it is given.


User for accessing the LUY database


Password for DB_USER

The iTURM database connection has its own variables corresponding to the LUY database variables:


{mysql|oracle|mssqlserver|pgsq} - database vendor


Host name or IP address of the DB server


Port of the DB server


Name of the database or the Oracle service name in case of DB_TYPE=oracle


Only used for DB_TYPE=oracle instead of DB_NAME. If DB_NAME is set, SID is ignored even when it is given.


User for accessing the LUY database


Password for DB_USER

JDBC Connector

The JDBC Connector file needs to be mounted into the /user/local/tomcat/lib folder of the LUY Docker container. Examples are given in the sample Docker Compose file for connectors, available in the same directory as the Docker Compose file.

Important: The JDBC Connector file requires read permission for user 1001 (tomcat inside the Docker container runs as this user).

Mailing configuration

Mailing configuration works by setting environment variables in the Docker Compose file.


Set to true to enable mailing

Note: Setting any value other than true or not setting this value at all will disable mailing. All other mail settings will be ignored.


Sender of emails


SMTP server in use


Port of the SMTP server in use


Set to true to enable SSL


Set to true to enable STARTTLS


Name of the user which is used to send emails


The password of the user which is used to send emails

Secure session cookie setting

This configuration works by setting environment variables in the Docker Compose file.


Set to true so that the session cookie has the property "secure". The default value is true.

LDAP and SAML configuration

Authentication schemes can be selected by setting the environment variable SECURITY_TYPE_DOCKER accordingly. Possible values are "auth-basic", "auth-ldap", "auth-saml" or "auth-iis-sso" corresponding to the authentication variants described in the section user management and its subpages.

If another scheme than "auth-basic" is chosen, an authentication configuration file must be provided to configure the LDAP or SAML connection.
If there is neither a LDAP nor SAML configuration file present, a template can be retrieved from the LUY Docker image:


docker run --rm cat /iteradocker/ >


docker run --rm cat /iteradocker/ >

After the file was altered according to the LDAP or SAML connection settings, it must be mounted back to the Docker container. The sample Docker Compose file contains a corresponding line in the volumes section of the LUY service.

Tomcat configuration

The amount of memory used for LUY can be configured in the environmental variable CATALINA_OPTS. Our sample Docker Compose files contain a default setting:


      # Memory settings for tomcat
      - CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

If the file server.xml of the Tomcat configuration needs to be changed for LUY, this can be done like the configuration mentioned above:

docker run --rm cat /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml > server.xml

After the file was altered, it must be mounted back to the Docker container. The sample Docker Compose file contains a corresponding line in the volume's section of the LUY service.

Shared files

Some files used or created by LUY need to be accessible outside the Docker container: for example, logfiles or scripts for the graphics reactor.

For this purpose, the following directories within the Docker container can be mounted as Docker volumes:

  • /var/luy/logs

  • /usr/local/tomcat/logs

  • /var/iturm/logs

  • /var/luy/indexes

  • /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/reactor

By saving files in these directories outside the Docker container, they can be easily accessed and maintained when upgrading to a different LUY version.

In the sample Docker Compose file those directories are all mounted to sub directories of the corresponding folder of the Docker Compose file.

Important: The mapped local directories require write and execute permission for user 1001 (Tomcat inside the Docker container runs as this user).


Docker Compose reports

ERROR: unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

Possible reasons:

  • Not logged into the Docker repository (eg with: docker login

  • Docker image or tag are not correctly given

Error connecting to the database

Possible reasons:

  • JDBC database connector missing

  • JDBC database connector jar file not mounted correctly to the container

  • Wrong database connection details entered in the Docker Compose file

Error writing log files

Possible reasons:

  • The mapped local folders do not have write and execute permissions for user 1001

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