Access all your reports from a single page with ease
October 2023
We have rebuilt the whole report page, rethought all its features, and placed it more central to put it in place as your central hub for all your reports.
A full description of (previous) features can be found here: Reports.

In this version, we already display all your reports in this page. However, as not all diagram types are implemented yet, you are unable to open some of them. We will implement the diagrams type by type in the upcoming releases. Stay tuned!
New central navigation entry
The reports page is now accessible directly via our sidebar navigation (before it was hidden in Reports > Reports list).
Use tabs to quickly show different groups of reports
With the new tab feature, reports that are available to you are divided into three tabs to allow you to quickly filter the table down to a certain set of reports:

The All tab shows all reports that are available for you, those are your own reports, as well as reports that are shared with you.
The My reports tab only shows reports that have been created by yourself or reports for which you have been set as owner.
The Subscribed tab on the other hand shows all reports that you have subscribed (no matter if they are your own or if they have just been shared with you).
Customize your table experience
You can now completely alter the way (any) table in LUY is presented. This is of course also true for the reports-table:
Just click on the view menu item and explore the ways to make the table more compact, change row coloring or add gridlines. Exactly as in LUY’s table view, you can add and remove columns (via the edit columns button).
And of course, don’t forget to switch to a complete dark or high contrast theme for an even better viewing experience.

Filter for anything
Our new quick filter will now allow you to filter for ‘anything’. Filter for report type, tags or share settings just by entering the search text into the box above the filter.
Supervisor users now have access to ALL reports
We have heard your feedback and added this ability for LUY supervisors to get access to all reports in LUY so that they can work with every report in LUY. The reports will be listed in the all tab by default.
The new snack bar makes it easier to work with (multiple) reports
By using the select checkbox in every row of the table you will open the new snack bar to interact with a report.
You can either select a single report and open the share menu or select multiple reports and subscribe to them or delete them.
This is very useful for LUY supervisors in order to delete a vast number of reports at once. Especially in combination with the quick filter:
Just filter for a certain group of reports you want to delete and use the select all checkbox in the table header to select all of them at once and then simply delete them via the snack bar.
Now, you can delete reports without removing all sharing settings first.

Be aware that for this first iteration our new frontend does not yet support every feature known to you in our previous LUY solution. These features will follow shortly.
The supervisor view (to see all reports) is active for all users with the supervisor role per default. We will add a functional permission later to enable or disable this on demand.
Editing of report names, descriptions or tags is not yet available, but is on our roadmap to be implemented in a later release.
Notification toasts are not yet fully implemented, expect to get more detailed notifications on successful or failing actions in a later release.
The new frontend will give you the option to share business mapping table view reports externally. But please note that this is not fully implemented yet.
We are still in process of finetuning access permissions for diagrams using attributes which since have been deleted. You may be able to open such diagrams when coming from the reports page and then get an error message instead of diagram content.