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Known issues

LUY 7.5.0

Session expiry with SAML2

When a logged-in user allows the browser session to expire (i.e., no activity in LUY for more than 5 minutes), the user will be automatically logged out and redirected back to the login screen. After clicking on the “Sign in with SSO” button, the user is redirected to a blank 404 error page.

Workaround: Remove everything from the URL except https://<customer> and reload the LUY homepage.

LUY 7.4.1

Customizing reset company logo to LUY logo not possible

In Administration → Customizing, when a custom company logo is uploaded it is not possible to revert to the default LUY logo. Uploading another logo is possible.

Activating the announcement in customizing without content can trigger a start page error

In some cases, activating the "Announcement" in administration > customizing without title or description will break the start page for all users; an error message will be displayed instead.

To solve this issue, make sure to set a text for title and description or - if there is no announcement to show - simply disable the announcement section by setting the toggle to disabled.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.