Restructured single element view displays an element's business mapping relations in neatly arranged tables
February 2024
We have not only rebuilt the way our single element view displays attributes but also the way relations, including business mapping relations are shown and filtered.

For more info on the new look of our single element view see New single element view provides a better overview and navigation through attributes and relations
New features
Get a better overview of elements related via business mappings
In the single element view’s relation tab, there now is a section for business mappings containing several tables, depending on your setup of LUY and the current element’s relations. By sorting business mapping relations into different tables LUY gives you a clear overview even if the current element has lots of relations.
The different business mapping tables are determined by the combination of building block types related via business mapping. In order to fit the possible combinations into our navigation side panel on the right, the tables are named after the abbreviations of related building block types.

For each table, the first ten rows are shown by default, all rows are visible by clicking show more. You can collapse the whole table by clicking show less.

Be aware that for this iteration our new frontend does not yet support every feature known to you in our previous LUY solution. These features will follow shortly.
The single element view is in read only mode for now.
Searching inside the single element view, subscribing to an element and navigating from an element to a diagram is not yet implemented.