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UPDATE - New single element view provides a better overview and navigation through attributes and relations

September 2024

Release history

  • July II, September I and II 2024 - added editing to the first four attribute types.

  • July 2024 - update to show all available information in the relations tab, adding the calendar view and did some improvements.

  • February 2024 - adding business mapping relations in new design.

  • October 2023 - initial release containing overall page layout, full attributes tab and first parts of the relations tab. All in read only mode.

We have rebuilt the whole single element view in order to provide a consistent and easily navigable overview of an element’s attributes and relations.

A full description of (previous) features can be found here: Single element view.


Navigate through an element’s attributes and relations quickly

In our new frontend, you will find the element’s overview, attributes, and relations on separate tabs. In the attribute or relations tab, use our navigation side panel on the right to easily select the section you are interested in.

You can collapse sections you don’t need and thereby create your own unique setup since LUY remembers your configuration for each building block type.

Newly styled attributes

All attributes have been restyled. Enum and responsibility attributes will now display their set color in the single element view and table view.

Admins can change these colors by deactivating the new frontend and edit the attribute values in the attribute tile in administration (read more here).

New edit mode for attributes

We have restyled the ability to edit attributes directly within the single element view interface.

For now, you can edit boolean, numeric, single selection enum and responsibility attributes.

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  • The drop-down is dynamically sorted and includes a "Not assigned" option for quick updates.

  • Changes are only saved upon explicit confirmation, ensuring that users have full control over the modifications.

  • Enhanced keyboard navigation and error handling make the editing experience intuitive and error resistant.

  • The edit pop out will display information on possible upper and/or lower bounds, the expected format and other other invalid characters to help users filling out numeric attribute values.

This feature is part of our ongoing effort to extend SEV attribute editing capabilities, with additional attribute types to be supported in future releases.

New timeline feature

To enhance process planning, users can now view dates in a timeline within LUY’s single element view. This feature displays a timeline in every attribute group that includes at least one date or date range attribute. It’s based on our old calendar view but has been enhanced with additional features and improvements.

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  • Display and structure: Dates and date ranges are shown in the order they appear within the attribute group. Date ranges include the attribute name, which is displayed on hover if truncated.

  • Visual representation: Dates and date ranges are color-coded using a fixed set of seven alternating colors. Date ranges with open ends are depicted with a striped pattern.

  • Interactivity: Hovering over dates and date ranges reveals detailed information, ensuring that users can easily access specific data.

  • User preferences: The state of the timeline (collapsed or expanded) is stored in user settings for a personalized experience.

Information flows

Information flow elements will now display a clearer overview of connected information systems, the information flow direction, related technical components, and transported business objects as well as their transport direction.

This information flow overview can be found in the overview tab and relations tab of information flow elements.

Get a better overview of elements related via business mappings

In the single element view’s relation tab, there now is a section for business mappings containing several tables, depending on your setup of LUY and the current element’s relations. By sorting business mapping relations into different tables LUY gives you a clear overview even if the current element has lots of relations.

The different business mapping tables are determined by the combination of building block types related via business mapping. In order to fit the possible combinations into our navigation side panel on the right, the tables are named after the abbreviations of related building block types.

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For each table, the first ten rows are shown by default, all rows are visible by clicking show more. You can collapse the whole table by clicking show less.

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Be aware that for this release our new frontend does not yet support every feature known to you in our previous LUY solution. These features will follow shortly.

  • Edit mode is not yet available for all attribute types.

  • Searching inside the single element view is not yet implemented.

  • The initial implementation of our timeline feature does not include legacy assigned colors for date ranges.

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