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Diagrams (Nova)

The diagram menu provides access to 5 out of 12 available LUY Classic diagrams, which can be viewed in a read-only format through diagram reports in LUY Nova.

Currently, there is no possibility of editing the loaded diagrams. Only already existing reports created in LUY Classic and available for the following 5 diagram types can be opened.

Available diagrams:

  • Landscape

  • Nested cluster

  • Information flow

  • Gantt chart (LUY Classic: masterplan)

  • Pie chart

How to open a diagram

To open a diagram in the diagram menu, click on the diagram icon and select a report to be opened.

Report dialog

The open report dialog displays all shared or personal reports available for the selected diagram type for the current user.


It is possible to open multiple diagram reports in separate browser tabs by right-clicking on a report and selecting "Open link in new tab." This allows for easier comparison of reports.

Filter reports

The search bar “Filter reports” allows for quickly finding reports by searching for an author or the name of the report.


Sorting reports

The displayed reports can be sorted by clicking on the column headers “Name, “Author”, or “Date”. This feature enables easy organization of the reports based on the selected attribute.

Interacting with diagrams

The opened diagram report features a modern and visually appealing design. Additionally, zooming functionality has been enhanced using the shortcut

CTRL + '+' or '-'

Clicking on any displayed element opens the single element view for the selected item.

The legend can be hidden by clicking the arrow on the top right.


To maximize the available space on the screen, minimize the sidebar to provide more room for the displayed diagram.

Open another report

Clicking on the breadcrumb navigation of the opened diagram type opens the report dialog, allowing another report to be selected and opened.


Clicking on “Landscape” opens the report dialog.

Create or edit diagram reports

To create a new diagram report or edit an existing one, switch to LUY Classic and navigate to the "Diagrams" section. Once the report is created or edited, it will be available for use in LUY Nova.

Detailed step-by-step instructions for this process are provided on Diagrams.

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