My account
How to access my account
In the bottom left corner of the screen, displaying the name or the circle with the initials of the first and last name, a click opens a menu with the options "My account" and "Logout." Select "My account" to proceed.

Clicking on “Logout” ends the user session, logs out the current user, and redirects to the logout page. From there, users can log into LUY again.
Additionally, your LUY version is displayed in the menu.
Overview of account settings
The "Profile" section displays the full name, assigned LUY roles, and associated email address of the logged in user. This information helps to identify the user and their role within the app.
The "Language" section allows the logged in user to choose their preferred LUY language for the interface.
If the system settings specify a fixed language, the default language is applied to all LUY users. In this case, language settings cannot be changed in “My account”.
Reset profile settings
The button "Reset profile settings" deletes your last diagram settings and clears the previously visited pages of the logged in user.
Email notifications
Settings for email notifications can be activated or deactivated for the logged in user.
When activated:
Notifications on changes to subscribed reports are received
Notifications on changes to subscribed building blocks are received
Notifications on any change to subscribed elements
Theme settings
The “Theme settings” enable users to select their preferred LUY color theme, offering a classic light theme, a modern dark theme, and a system option that matches LUY to your operating system's settings.