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July 2024 release

LUY 7.6.0

July 2024

With LUY version 7.6.0, we’ve improved performance by updating some key libraries, removed the anonymous access feature and fixed some bugs.


  • With this release you should see a 30% performance improvement in LUY.
    We updated two key libraries that LUY is built on and did a lot of rewriting of backend code, resulting in a more secure and faster environment

  • We have updated our iTurm frontend to be more state of the art.

Please note that this upgrade does not include new iTurm features.


  • We further enhanced security by removing anonymous access for LUY.
    As an alternative to anonymous access, customers can use default roles, which are supported for all authentication methods except iTurm.

  • To enhance security, we have removed the option for cloud customers to trigger system reports from the frontend, ensuring that internal setup settings remain inaccessible and protected from potential attacks

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue with editing mandatory relation attributes in the list view.

  • Fixed an issue where reports were deleted when a user mentioned in the report was deleted.

  • Fixed an issue in the user deletion process that resulted in an error when trying to substitute this user with another one in “Report content with last modification user”.

  • Fixed an UI issue where filter conditions were not fully readable in diagram legends.

  • Fixed an issue where attribute groups were displayed to users without permission to read them.

Please note that with this bug fix, the default behavior of LUY has changed. Previously, if attribute group permissions were not adjusted and only the default attribute group was used, it was visible to all users regardless of their role. This visibility was contrary to what was indicated in the administration UI, which suggested that the group was neither visible nor editable for everyone.

Now, the default attribute group will respect the selected restricted permissions. Please review and ensure that your settings are correct.

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