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October 2024 release

LUY 7.6.4

October 2024

We are excited to announce the addition of a new integrated attribute: "Version - built-in" to our backend, bringing enhanced functionality and data control for information systems and technical components.

1. New features

1.1 Introduction of “Version - built-in” attribute

With this release, we introduce the "Version - built-in" attribute, which is automatically derived from the names of information systems and technical components. This attribute works similarly to the existing "Version" attribute, which can be used in the filter, but with backend support for broader use cases.

  • How it works: If the name of an information system or technical component includes a "#", all characters following the "#" are interpreted as the version. For example, an information system named "LUY #7.6" will have the attribute “Version - built-in” set as 7.6.

  • Availability: This attribute is read-only and active for information systems and technical components. It can be used in reports as a column, in diagram configurations, filters, and accessed via the REST and Plugin API.

Important Note:

If you have previously created a custom attribute named "Version - built-in", please rename your custom attribute to avoid conflicts with the new integrated attribute. This will ensure seamless functionality and prevent issues when generating reports that rely in some way on the version attribute.

2. Improvements

  • The "Version - built-in" attribute is now available across the LUY backend, enhancing the ability to filter and configure reports, including diagrams, without the need for frontend workarounds.

  • This new attribute enables smoother integration with third-party systems via the API and improves overall data accuracy.

3. Bug Fixes

  • N/A for this release

4. Limitations

  • The "Version - built-in" attribute is currently read-only and automatically derived from the element’s name. Editing the version directly is not supported.

  • The "Version - built-in" attribute is available as a column in list reports but it is not visible in the current single element view. It will be visible in the new frontend’s single element view.

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