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On-premise Installer to Docker

If LUY has already been deployed on an on-premise server, here are some tips on switching to and starting with the Docker version:

  • The Docker engine needs to be installed in your environment. The Docker engine is a client server application that allows to run LUY in a preconfigured container. Before starting the upgrade, please check the system requirements on the Prerequisites page.

  • Reach out to LUY support to obtain credentials for the LUY Docker image.

Please note that this applies only if your current LUY version is 7.3.x or newer. If you are still using an older version, please reach out to LUY Support.

Reuse the current on-premise configuration

Before starting, we strongly recommend creating a complete backup of your entire LUY database
and application files.

Please open the luy-compose.yml file for version 7.6.0 and set up the necessary configuration.

  • For database configuration, please refer to the following page and transfer the current settings from the file to the luy-compose.yml: How to run LUY | LUY-database-configuration

  • In Version 7.6.0, the files can no longer be used. Please refer to the page How to run LUY | Authentication-Scheme to transfer your current configuration to the YML files provided.

  • Additional settings such as mailing can be configured as described on the following page: How to run LUY | LUY-parameter

  • If you have a modified server.xml file for Tomcat, please note that it needs to be updated and mounted as well. LUY now runs with Tomcat Version 10, so adjustments might be necessary due to changes in compatibility.

After completing the update, please recreate the search index via “Administration” → ”System” (see here System settings | Full-text-search ).

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