Default settings
The default settings tab allows administrators to configure application-wide settings. These include default language, localization options, element limits in diagrams, and shortcut configurations.
Default language
Customization for the default language offers three options:
Selection by user
If English or Deutsch is selected here, the default language is applied to all LUY users. In this case, users will no longer be able to change their personal language in "My account".
The language setting is shared between LUY Classic and LUY Nova. Changes to the default language are applied across the entire application.
Select the preferred formats for dates, time, and numbers to be applied across the LUY application for all users. These settings ensure consistency and alignment with organizational or regional standards. Additionally, format values can be customized based on the selected language.

The “Localization” settings are shared between LUY Classic and LUY Nova. The configured formats are applied consistently across the entire application.
Element limits in diagrams
Element limits in diagrams allow administrators to define maximum thresholds for restricting the number of elements displayed in each diagram type. If the number of elements exceeds the defined limit, only the specified number will be displayed. Additionally, a global limit for elements and their associated relations can be set to enhance performance, particularly for large diagrams.
For example, with a limit of 1000, elements will be displayed until the combined total of elements and relations reaches 1000. Once this limit is met, no additional elements will be displayed.
When a diagram contains more elements than the set limit, an info text will appear in the bottom of diagram legend to inform the user about hidden elements.

The “Element limit in diagrams” settings are shared between LUY Classic and LUY Nova. The configured limits are applied consistently across the entire application.
Edit element limits in diagram
Clicking the three dots icon in the action column provides the option to edit the selected diagram. After selecting “Edit”, the value of the element limits can be modified. To reset the value to the default settings, choose “Reset to the default”.
Adding new entries and the editing the existing ones in the shortcut menu, custom links can be defined to provide quick access to specific pages or resources, catering to the needs of the organization.

Existing entries in the LUY Classic “Help menu” are transferred directly, one-to-one, to the “Shortcut” menu in LUY NOVA, and vice versa.
Creating a new entry in the shortcut menu
With the button “New shortcut” a new entry can be added in the opened dialog “Create shortcut”. The values “English title”, “German title” and URL are mandatory.
For the “Link”, it is recommended that the link begins with “https://”

Edit an existing entry
By clicking on the edit symbol in the “Actions” column, existing entries can be modified in the “Edit shortcut” dialog. Adjust the necessary fields and save the changes by clicking the save button.

Change order
Entries can be reordered by using the six-dot symbol in the “Order” column. Drag and drop the entries to the desired position.

Existing entries in the LUY Classic “Help menu” are transferred directly, one-to-one, to the “Shortcut” menu in LUY NOVA, and vice versa.
Delete entries
To delete a shortcut, click on the trash bin symbol in the “Actions” column. Confirm the deletion in the “Delete shortcut” dialog by clicking “Delete.” The entry will then be permanently removed.

If all shortcuts are deleted, the “Shortcuts” menu will no longer be displayed in the sidebar.