LUY help center
Keep track of the interaction between business and IT, processes and products and all the people in your company at all times with just one tool.
LUY offers a variety of interactive visualizations to support you in your communication and decision making. All diagrams are generated using the live datase...
Meta model
The LUY meta model sets the basis of the whole application, defining its structure of data and relations. The meta model is based on the best practice EAM me...
New features
Our preview is live! We’ve started rolling out the first features for our new frontend to pilot customers. In this section we will introduce all new features...
- Known issues
- Mitigation for CVE-2021-44228 - critical vulnerability in log4j
- Excel import troubleshooting
- Shared queries and global filters cannot be deleted
- Search results are empty or not up to date
- No response after creating a date interval
- REST request with symbols leads to 404 error
- Modification could not be saved
- License cannot be updated with LDAP + SSO
- Search Index creation fails with Oracle 12c
- Oracle JDBC "listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor"
- How to setup Microsoft Azure as IDP
- How to get data from LUY to Confluence
- How to load data from LUY in Excel via Power Query
- How to limit the displayed building block history entries
- How to authenticate REST API calls for reactions without using plaintext passwords
- How to use XMI EA data format for import/export
- How-to upgrade from MySQL 5.7.x to 8.x
New features
- Navigation through our new frontend made easy
- Access all your reports from a single page with ease
- New table view shows reports with more details and makes navigation easier
- New single element view provides a better overview and navigatoin through attributes and relations
- Open and view landscape diagrams in our new frontend
- Open and view pie chart diagrams in our new frontend
- Restructured single element view displays an element's business mapping relations in neatly arranged tables